
The leading company in the Spanish market for metal processing, offers solutions for the implementation of process plants for the wine, milk, chocolate, powder, fuel, oil, and other sectors. In recent years, its R&D department has focused on the design, manufacture and installation of a novel turnkey vertical farming system known under the name FARMITANK and patented worldwide.
Parcitank will be in charge of the FARMITANK prototype design and parts manufacture in their facilities in Villarrobledo, Spain. They will also oversee the prototype start-up and they will lead the replicability and transferability strategy, the public awareness and dissemination of results and the overall project management. Besides Parcitank will also participate in the analytical campaign, monitoring impact, replicability/transferability strategy, the Communication and Dissemination plan (C&D plan) execution and project management. PARCITANK is highly experienced in FARMITANK technology.

With more than 30 years of experience, FLORETTE is the main producer and seller in Spain in the IV range category: salads and fresh vegetables, washed, cut and ready to eat. It grows more than 60 varieties of crops and produces 750,000 salads a day.
FLORETTE will be trained by PARCITANK to oversee the prototype operation. They will also follow PARCITANK’s indications for parameter monitoring and send samples for the analytical campaign. The prototype will include a control software which will allow PARCITANK to monitor its performance. FLORETTE will also be involved in the analytical campaign, monitoring impact, replicability/transferability strategy, the C&D plan execution and project management.

CNTA, the National Centre for Food Technology and Safety is a private non-profit making association. Since 1981, the aim of this technological centre is to contribute towards improving the competitiveness and quality of the food sector.
It undertakes two lines of activity:
- Knowledge capture
- Technology transfer through:
- R&D Projects
- Technological services
- Training
CNTA will lead the comparative studies in the analytical campaign. These comparative studies will be focused on the food safety and quality of minimally processed vegetables from conventional crops and from the crops grown via the FARMINTANK prototype. During these studies CNTA will collect the required data for the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Besides, CNTA will contribute with all the partners in C&D and management tasks. CNTA has vast experience in R&D projects related to food safety and quality and development of innovative food products.

It belongs to Agrial is one of the leading French agricultural and agri-food cooperative groups. Agrial is structured around 4 agricultural branches and also around 4 agri-food branches. The Vegetables branch falls on Floréale and brings together the production, packaging, and marketing of fresh vegetables. Within the Vegetables branch, Floréale Holding brings together central functions, expertise and shared services supporting all the branch’s entities.
Floréale Holding will participate in the analytical campaign, in the replicability/transferability strategy and in the C&D tasks. Thanks to their vast experience and influence in the EU food sector, they bring considerable additional value to the project.

Hermanos Torres Cornago S.L. is a company settled in Navarre and they are specialized in the cultivation and commercialization of vegetables.
They will participate in the analytical campaign by carrying out crop assessment and assays in nutritional crop values, to compare FARMITANK technology with their standard green leaf crop production. They will also be part of the replicability/transferability strategy to validate the suitability of the FARMITANK business model for SMEs.